Client Letter | Stay The Course | February 4, 2021

Dear Valued Investor, “In the short-term, the market is a popularity contest. In the long-term, the market is a weighing machine.” Warren Buffett 2021 is under way, as our nation and the rest of the world look to begin to put the global pandemic behind us. The path...

Online Seminar: Kids & Finances

Melissa Levin, CFP®, is a proud mother of three but is also a proud daughter of parents that taught her the value of money. Her experience as a financial advisor and her strong upbringing makes her an excellent candidate to advise parents on how to educate their...

Laid off? Here’s 3 Ways to Fail Forward

You’re probably asking yourself “now what?” and you’re probably too proud to ask it out loud. You’ve just been notified that you’ve been let go by your employer because of the historic economic downturn. It wasn’t your fault; in fact, you were on a roll and this year...